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Agencies » New York MTA

 •  X28-Sea Gate / Bensonhurst - Manhattan Express


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Vehicle 2445 5:01 ahead of going Coney Island Sea Gate via Broadway Riders: 15
past 18 Av on Cropsey Av Last seen 1:00

Vehicle 2470 5:57 behind going Bensonhurst Cropsey Av via Broadway
past 25 Av on Cropsey Av

Vehicle 2451 6:08 ahead of going Coney Island Sea Gate via Broadway Riders: 34
aprchg Gwnus Cntrline Ep-S on Gwnus Cntrline Ep-S

Vehicle 2467 3:11 ahead of going Bensonhurst Cropsey Av via Broadway Riders: 19
aprchg Greenwich St on Battery Pl

Vehicle 2420 2:57 ahead of going Bensonhurst Cropsey Av via Broadway
aprchg W 44 St on 5 Av

Vehicle 2412 36:26 ahead of going Bensonhurst Cropsey Av via Broadway
past Madison Av on E 57 St

Missing vehicles

Scheduled to be at Waverly Pl on Broadway going to Coney Island Sea Gate via Broadway.

X28‌ and ‌X38‌ stops on Surf Ave at W 21st St are closed in both directions

Started Fri Jan 3 Until Sun Sep 21