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Agencies » New York MTA

 •  Q30-Little Neck or Queensborough Community College - Jamaica


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Vehicle 8480 0:12 behind going Little Neck Little Neck Pky Riders: 16
past Sutphin Blvd on Archer Av Last seen 1:06

Vehicle 8859 1:15 behind going Queensborough Community College Riders: 24
aprchg Guy R Brewer Blvd on Archer Av Last seen 1:05

Vehicle 8069 1:03 ahead of going Queensborough Community College
at 168 St on Archer Av

Vehicle 8343 5:04 behind going Queensborough Community College Riders: 39
aprchg 168 St on Jamaica Av

Vehicle 8085 3:25 ahead of going Little Neck Little Neck Pky
past Charlecote Ridge on Homelawn St

Vehicle 8084 0:15 behind going Queensborough Community College
at Kildare Rd on Utopia Pkwy

Vehicle 8066 1:03 ahead of going Queensborough Community College
aprchg 65 Av on Utopia Pkwy Last seen 1:07

Vehicle 7773 0:58 behind going Little Neck Little Neck Pky Riders: 28
at Horace Harding Expwy on Utopia Pkwy

Vehicle 8755 13:55 behind going Little Neck Little Neck Pky Riders: 27
aprchg 188 St on Horace Harding Expwy

Vehicle 8064 2:04 behind going Queensborough Community College
aprchg 194 St on Horace Harding Expwy

Vehicle 8091 7:28 behind going Queensborough Community College Riders: 54
aprchg Francis Lewis Blvd on Horace Harding Expwy

Vehicle 8767 11:01 behind going Queensborough Community College
past 56 Av on Springfield Blvd In long layover, last seen 7:30

Vehicle 8704 6:06 behind going Queensborough Community College Riders: 6
at 223 St on 56 Av

Vehicle 7835 4:43 behind going Queensborough Community College
at 223 St on 56 Av In long layover, last seen 29:05

Vehicle 8457 13:39 behind going Queensborough Community College Riders: 25
at 223 St on 56 Av In long layover, last seen 1:09

Vehicle 8358 11:58 behind going Queensborough Community College
at 223 St on 56 Av In long layover, last seen 14:50

Vehicle 8041 23:28 behind going Little Neck Little Neck Pky
aprchg 254 St on Horace Harding Expwy

Vehicle 8039 11:47 behind going Little Neck Little Neck Pky
at Little Neck Pkwy on Nassau Blvd Last seen 1:01

Vehicle 8040 9:46 behind going Jamaica Lirr
past Parsons Blvd on Jamaica Av

Vehicle 8469 4:06 behind going Jamaica Lirr
past 162 St on Jamaica Av

Vehicle 8044 0:08 ahead of going Jamaica Lirr
aprchg Merrick Blvd on Jamaica Av

Vehicle 8761 0:39 ahead of going Jamaica Lirr Riders: 21
at Highland Av on Homelawn St

Vehicle 8438 0:58 ahead of going Jamaica Lirr
past 76 Av on Utopia Pkwy Last seen 1:03

Vehicle 8342 0:27 behind going Jamaica Lirr
past 185 St on Horace Harding Expwy Last seen 1:06

Vehicle 8345 5:05 behind going Jamaica Lirr
aprchg Springfield Blvd on Horace Harding Expwy