Agencies » New York MTA

 •  B7-Midwood - Bedford-Stuyvesant


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Bed-Stuy Bway-Halsey via Kings Hwy
Quentin Rd at Coney Island Av
Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy
Coney Island Av
E 13 St
E 16 St
E 18 St
Ocean Av
E 22 St
Bedford Av
E 27 St
E 29 St
Nostrand Av
Avenue N
New York Av
Fraser Sq
E 37 St
Flatbush Av
E 40 St
Avenue K
Avenue J
Avenue I
Schenectady Av
Avenue H
Utica Av
Glenwood Rd
Preston Ct
Foster Av
Avenue D
Clarendon Rd
Beverly Rd
Tilden Av
Snyder Av
Church Av
Linden Blvd
Remsen Av
E 92 St
E 94 St
Lenox Rd
E 95 St
Rockaway Pkwy
Riverdale Av at E 98 St
Saratoga Av    . . .    Saratoga Av
Riverdale Av
Livonia Av
Dumont Av
Blake Av
Sutter Av
Pitkin Av at Saratoga Av
Thomas S Boyland St    . . .    Thomas S Boyland St
Eastern Pkwy
Saint Marks Av
Dean St
Atlantic Av
Fulton St
Macdougal St
Marion St
Bainbridge St
Macdonough St
Broadway at Halsey St
Saratoga Av at Halsey St
Midwood Coney Island Av via Kings Hwy
Saratoga Av    . . .    Saratoga Av    . . .    Saratoga Av    . . .    Saratoga Av    . . .    Saratoga Av
Halsey St
Macdonough St
Bainbridge St
Marion St
Fulton St
Atlantic Av
Dean St
Saint Marks Av
Park Pl
Sutter Av
Blake Av
Dumont Av
Livonia Av
Riverdale Av
Riverdale Av at Legion St
Lenox Rd
E 98 St
Rockaway Pkwy
E 95 St at Kings Hwy
Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy    . . .    Kings Hwy
E 94 St
E 92 St
Remsen Av
Linden Blvd
Church Av
Snyder Av
Tilden Av
Beverly Rd
Clarendon Rd
Avenue D
Foster Av
Preston Ct
Glenwood Rd
Utica Av
Avenue H
Schenectady Av
Avenue I
Avenue J
Avenue K
E 40 St
Ryder St
E 37 St
Fraser Sq
New York Av
Avenue N
Nostrand Av
E 28 St
E 26 St
Bedford Av
E 22 St
Avenue P at Ocean Av
E 18 St at Avenue P
Kings Hwy at E 16 St
Kings Hwy at E 13 St
Quentin Rd at Coney Island Av

B7‌ and ‌B82-SBS‌ stops on Kings Hwy at Avenue K are closed in both directions; B7 stops on Kings Highway at E 40th St are also closed

Started Tue Dec 3 Until Fri Sep 19

B7 stops on Kings Highway at E 40th St are closed in both directions

Started Fri Sep 20 2024 Until Fri Sep 19

Premium tracking history reports and charts

View Operating Chart (last 3 hours only)

See the progress of all vehicles for a route. Delays, gaps and bunching can be easily seen.

Route Performance Chart

See headway, rider average waiting time, speed, schedule adherence and passenger load (where available) for each stop.

View Route Tracking History

See a list of trips for a route or a vehicle.

Message/Alert History

The agency messages in effect during a range of time.

Schedule/Headway Adherence Chart

See the distribution of schedule or headway adherence by stop for a branch.

Passenger Load Chart

See the distribution of each passenger load level by stop for a branch.

Route Delay Map

Map of locations where vehicles are delayed along the route.

Choose Stop for Stop History

See a list of vehicles that serve the chosen stop with scheduled headway, actual gap between vehicles as well as a scatter plot of gaps.

Choose Stops for Link Times

Choose two stop and see a list of travel times between them, as well as a scatter plot of the travel time.