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Agencies » New York MTA

 •  Q84-Laurelton - Jamaica


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Vehicle 8452 6:30 ahead of going Laurelton 238 St via 120 Av Riders: 36
aprchg Teardrop Canopy on Archer Av

Vehicle 8335 5:49 behind going Laurelton 238 St via 120 Av Riders: 16
aprchg 165 St on Archer Av

Vehicle 8832 3:57 ahead of going Laurelton 238 St via 120 Av Riders: 5
at 230 St on 120 Av

Vehicle 8458 2:24 behind going Jamaica Parsons-Archer
at 153 St on Archer Av In long layover, last seen 24:54

Vehicle 8059 7:00 behind going Jamaica Parsons-Archer
at 153 St on Archer Av In long layover, last seen 26:18

Vehicle 8883 5:04 behind going Jamaica Parsons-Archer Riders: 28
aprchg 153 St on Archer Av

Vehicle 8824 0:14 ahead of going Jamaica Parsons-Archer Riders: 20
at Linden Blvd on Merrick Blvd

Vehicle 8334 3:15 behind going Jamaica Parsons-Archer Riders: 41
at 109 Av on Merrick Blvd

Vehicle 8349 2:35 behind going Jamaica Parsons-Archer Riders: 29
past Douglas Av on 168 St

Vehicle 8340 1:33 behind going Jamaica Parsons-Archer Riders: 29
at 193 St on 120 Av

Vehicle 8718 0:07 behind going Jamaica Parsons-Archer Riders: 8
aprchg Francis Lewis Blvd on 120 Av

Vehicle 8853 0:29 ahead of going Jamaica Parsons-Archer Riders: 4
past 128 Av on 237 St

Eastbound Q4, Q5, Q84 and Q85 stop on Merrick Blvd at 104th Ave is being bypassed, use the stop on Merrick Blvd at 107th Ave instead

Started Mon Jun 24 2024 Until Sun Sep 21

What's happening?

Bus depot construction