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Agencies » Foothill Transit

 •  291-La Verne - Pomona via Garey Ave


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Vehicle 2160 Waiting 10:11. 14:57 behind going North: La Verne Empty
aprchg Pomona Ranch Plaza E

Vehicle 2310 11:48 behind going North: La Verne Empty
past Pomona Ranch Plaza E

Vehicle 3119 26:51 behind going North: La Verne Empty
past Pomona Ranch Plaza E

Vehicle 2143 Waiting 12:28. 56:36 behind going North: La Verne Empty
at Pomona Ranch Plaza E

Vehicle 2222 41:50 behind going North: La Verne Empty
past Pomona Ranch Plaza E

Vehicle 2138 41:44 behind going South: Pomona Ranch Plaza Empty
at D St on Durward Wy

Vehicle 2123 26:33 behind going South: Pomona Ranch Plaza Empty
past D St on Durward Wy

Vehicle 3114 11:46 behind going South: Pomona Ranch Plaza Empty
past D St on Durward Wy

Vehicle 3100 Waiting 6:27. 25:35 behind going South: Pomona Ranch Plaza Empty
aprchg D St on Durward Wy

These Line 291 stops close for construction in Pomona until further notice.

Garey Ave and Holt Ave N - 1443
Garey Ave and Jefferson Ave S - 1446

Use these stops.

Pomona Transit Center - 2158
Garey Ave and Alvarado St S - 1423
Started Mon Feb 17 Until Fri Mar 14